the happy angel holistic healing room, Den Bosch, Brabant

Energy Healing for pain relief

info • Mar 21, 2023

Energy Healing -  release physical pain

Are you in physical pain?

Many clients initially come to me because of a physical complaint... for example knee pain, shoulder pain, a chest infection, restless legs, stress etc... any reason is a good reason to come for a healing session. 

Most times, they have already been to doctors, physiotherapy, tried medication and various therapies without results. They don't know what to do next in order to get better.

I have personal experience with persistent pain. It is extremely draining - physically, emotionally and mentally. You restrict yourself in order to manage the pain; it prevents you from living your full life.  In November 2000 my right leg was badly broken in a car crash. I was launched into a challenging 3 year journey of recovery filled with pain and frustration. At that time in my life, I was not aware. Alternative healing methods were not a part of my world.  This process could have been much less of a struggle if I knew then, what I know now. But that was my life learning.

Why opt for healing session?

It is important to realise that pain is essentially your body's way of bringing your attention to an issue.

Your body is saying pay attention and take action!

Like my clients, your first action will probably be to go to a doctor,get some tests and medication.

However many times you are prescribed a treatment for the symptoms and not for the actual cause of the pain.

This means the pain persists just like it has for my clients and as it did for me.

  • An energy healing session will identify and treat the source of the pain.
  • It provides you with a deeper understanding of what is going on in your body.
  • So it helps you to release the pain on both a physical and energy level in a gentle way.
  • It resolves the pain at source to prevent re-occurrance.
  • It bring your body, energy and mind back into balance.
  • It brings you to a place of deep relaxation
  • It makes you feel better and more energised.

So how does an energy healing session do all of that?

  • Firstly, energy healing recognises that pain is a result of blocked energy which has built up over time.

So now it is now sufficient pain in your body to grab your attention.

You can no longer ignore it and must take action. 

  • A healing session identifies the location of the blockage. This is removed using the appropriate healing technique for example: chakra balancing, sound healing, reiki, crystal healing or other releasing methods. 
  • Removing the blockage enables your energy to flow freely.
  • Messages specific to you are provided during an energy healing session with me.

This gives you insight and understanding about the cause of the energy block/pain.

  • Guidance is provided as to what next steps you can take to maintain free-flowing energy and a pain-free body. 
  • Your energy is brought back into balance. You will immediately feel the benefits in the form of deep relaxation, reduced pain, higher energy levels, a greater sense of balance, purpose and well-being.

If energy healing is so great, why isn't everyone using this method of healing?

  • An increasing number of people are using energy healing to maintain well-being as the benefits are becoming more available and better understood.
  • People tend to dismiss things that they don't fully understand. An energy healing session really has to be experienced to fully understand the impact it can have on your life. 
  • It is also something you should aim to do on a regular basis as part of an ongoing self-care program.  Unfortunately in our fast-paced society we often don't carve out time to look after ourselves. We give everything and everyone else priority over our own needs.
  • It is the same with my clients - they have been in pain for some time already before they come to me for core healing. It is a process. True healing cannot be rushed - it takes time, understanding and patience.

What next?

  • Are you experiencing physical pain or fatigue?
  • Do you want to feel better?

Then listen to what your body is telling you. It's time to prioritise you!   

There really is no need to struggle through life in pain.

It's up to you to reclaim your health. Take action now to release your pain.

Contact The Happy Angel to experience the many benefits of an energy healing. 

By duda-wsm 23 Sep, 2023
Tools to maintain a positive vibration
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